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Tuesday, 6 November 2012

Cucumber Avalakki

Strange as it may sound, trust me, it is very easy and very quick to prepare.
And tastes wonderful and light for a healthy evening snack.

So here is how you do it....

1) Cucumber
2) Medium Avalakki (make sure you use medium avalakki only for this)
3) Green chillies
4) Corainder
5) Seasonings

1) Grate cucumber along with the peel (remove the bitterness) into a bowl.
2) Add avalakki to this and mix well. Water in cucmber is enough for avalakki to become soft.
3) Add salt to this and mix well and keep aside.
4) In a pan, heat oil, and add mustard, channa dal, urad dal, hing, curry leaves, chopped green chillies to prepare the seasoning.
5) Lower the flame and the avalakki to this pan.
6) Further add grated coconut and finely chopped coriander to this and lightly warm it.

Your healthy tasty 5 min snack ready to be relished.


  1. My personal easy to make n still tastes so good!

  2. Was looking for a quick snack, yaay going to try this right away!!!
